Christopher H. Clarke, R.D.H.
Registered Dental Hygienists are health professionals and dental auxiliaries who specialize in preventing oral health problems and diseases. They practise interprofessionally with dentists, physicians, dental therapists, and dental assistants, etc., to provide you with optimal services.
Registered Dental Hygienists are governed under The Dental Act, 1972. Dental Hygienists follow Standards of Practice and Ethics set out by the Dental Council of Jamaica.
Christopher H. Clarke, R.D.H.
Christopher Clarke, is a lifelong resident of Kingston, Jamaica and is very excited about the opportunity to practice dental hygiene in his community. He hopes to improve the oral health and therefore the overall health of the community by offering dental hygiene services. He also would like to help service the community that has trouble accessing dental hygiene care. If you have any questions or concern regarding how to access dental hygiene care, please don’t hesitate to contact Christopher.
Christopher is a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH) who has been entered in the roll of dental auxiliares by the Dental Council of Jamaica. Christopher has extensive experience delivering dental hygiene services to clients of various ages. He is an honour Graduate of University of Technology, Jamaica, Dental Hygiene Bachelor of Science Degree Program.
Educating clients on all aspects of oral health within his scope of practice has been extremely important for Christopher as a Registered Dental Hygienist. He feels education is essential to provide exceptional customer service and professional ethical dental hygiene care for his patients. Christopher focuses on spending time with his patients, getting to know and understand their needs, values, and expectations of dental hygiene services and oral health. This focus is very important for Christopher to be able to provide professional, ethical and personalized dental hygiene treatment based on the prevention of disease.